Monday, April 21, 2014

How Was Your Weekend?

     Ah! The weekend and an extra 1/2 day to enjoy being home! Thank you to my parents for understanding my need to stay in Chicago for the Easter weekend. Time to enjoy the city and sunshine coming our way!

     I'm not the best at shutting down - aka stop checking work emails/calls but Friday afternoon I did just that, SHUT IT DOWN!!! I had some good ole 'Kristin' time - made plans for the weekend, hit the gym and grocery store and most importantly got some sun on Sunday!

     I got a surprise in the mail on Friday from my friend Alex - she's like a little sister to me and knows me well.  She knows I love Kate Spade...
I love Kate Spade - love her packaging, her note cards and look, a bracelet that looks like my glasses! Love you Alex, thank you for starting my weekend off with a smile! xo

Next up, the gym, have I told you how much I love my gym?!? East Bank Club is my country club in the city - it has everything I need! Gym, spa, pool, juice bar, restaurants, dry cleaners and lots of people watching (almost better than Vegas) My neighbor and I have a routine on Sat morning - run/walk, Body Pump class, breakfast and nails... catch up and workout time all in one!

     As though that wasn't enough of a workout I had to get more steps in so I walked to Nordstrom, my friend Amy and I compete with each other on steps and she was almost 30,000 ahead of me so I had to keep going! I ended the day at 22,000 steps.. 

    I met my friend Katie later for lunch - we tried Roots on Chicago Ave.  Pizza, salads and homemade mozzarella sticks.  It was good, I picked off the tortilla chips as I'm not a fan of Doritos type flavoring (if my sister reads this she'll laugh and say "of course she's not"... Katie and I have been friends since high school so there is always plenty to chat about.  I do have to comment on the mozzarella sticks - as I'm a Wisconsin-ite I pride myself in 'knowing' my cheeses.  They make their own mozz then roll it in a breadcrumb mixture with garlic and serve with marinara... YUM!

Ended Sat night with more friend time... love weekends like this.

Sunday - Hello Easter! Sunny and 70! Perfect! I went for a 4.2 mile jaunt - it was so nice to open my doors and finally be able to let some fresh air in!  I took advantage of the Spring temps and cleaned my grill, removed my screen door, cleaned inside and washed some windows!

All in all it was a fantastic weekend!  Lots of friend and wine time! I def need to work on my writing and get back into the swing of things with this blog... I need a vacation - then I'd have lots to write about!  xo

Take the bus
Game at Soldier Field
Africa for safari
Take the train to California

Enjoy Chicago! I took this yesterday from the Planetarium. 

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