Friday, April 25, 2014

Surfs Up!

     I've been feeling a little off this week, working a lot and traveling weekly is starting to catch up and makes me wish I had a trip planned for this Spring like I normally do!  I was going through photos this past week and realized it was 2 years ago this week that I "escaped" to Costa Rica for a surf/yoga retreat!

     I had wanted to visit a place I'd been to, try something new and disconnect as much as I could - I called my friend Katie - I saw on FB she had been to a women's surf and yoga retreat in Costa Rica - she share her experience and how she enjoyed it... SOLD! Book it Danno, I'm on my way.  A friend from work and my friend Cindy join me.

     It took a bit of time to get there - Denver through Houston to San Jose, Costa Rica.  From there we boarded a small plane to a remote area and drove 45 min to Malpais.  It was exactly what I needed - bungalows, beach and lots of new friends.  They cap it at 15 women - crazy as most of us were "type A" and competitive.  Had a welcome drink at the bar,  tour of the property and sent off to bed as tomorrow morning at 6am is yoga, followed by breakfast, then surf all day - repeat for 6 days!  Enjoy my trip as I walk down memory lane!

Puddle jumper we took from Tambor to Malpais.. we prayed a lot as we flew through a small  rain storm

The sand was so soft, the water so blue and I learned to love the ocean.  This trip challenged me in so many ways!

I'm not one to strut around in my bikini...but this trip, it's what I did (another challenge!)

The food was incredible - fresh, healthy and I think I lost a few pounds on this vacation. 

Melissa was a riot!  We spent a lot of time splashing around in the afternoons and trying to figure our life and men. 

Cindy and I found this place - fantastic drinks, beautiful view and time to take it all in.

I screamed with excitement - I'm up! It was such a cool feeling!  They took so many pics of us, videos and caught lots of funny moments.

Sunsets were spectacular!  This one was taken the night we paddle boarded (another challenge)

Cindy and I could be spokes people for Athleta! Loved their swimsuits!
It was an interesting trip for me, learned a lot about myself, dealt with some heartache and sadness and I don't thank Cindy enough for being there!

Yoga - Surf - Sun - Drinks! Repeat!! I think this was the Electric Lemonade drink,

Last night - Cindy and I with our surf coach Brett!

I hope you enjoyed my trip to Malpais as much as I just did re-looking at the photos.  It was actually a really hard time for me - a lot going on in my personal life and wasn't dealing with it very well.  This trip brought me some laughs, 'Kristin' time, friend time and recharging time, but overall an incredible place, new friends and lots of amazing memories.  I look back on this trip and see how lucky I am to be able to pick up and travel to foreign places, create new adventures with new/old friends and know that no matter what comes my way I can handle it - as my Nonnie told me a long time ago - This Too Shall Pass!  She was so right. 

Well, I need to contact Cindy - it's been awhile since I've talked to her and seeing these pics reminds me how much fun we had while I lived in Denver and traveled to Pura Vida Adventures together!

If you need a week away - give surfing a try!

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